Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lynne and Geoff

A couple of days after we came back from Limoges, mums cousin Lynne and her husband Geoff came to visit. Lynne broke her leg while in Finland so she was here to recover, but it was good because it meant they stayed longer than they were going to and were lots of fun.

We really enjoyed having them visit. They taught us jokes, magic tricks, logic puzzles and lots of other things!

Lynne wanted to swim but wasn't allowed to get her leg wet, so she had to wrap it in a rubbish bag and make sure it didn't go under. We got better at it every day and by the last day we had the noodles and the floaty chair so she could float around without getting it wet!

The day after they arrived was Lynne's birthday so we made her medical cupcakes and sung her happy birthday in English, French, and Spanish.

We drove to Pisa one day and climbed the tower (photos on following post). The last night was Bastille day so we went down to Cannes and sat on the beach to watch the fire works. They were great and there were 150 000 people watching.

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